What is a School-Based Health Center?

“School-Based Health Center” means a safety net health care delivery model that is located in or near a school, and offers holistic medical care - including preventative and behavioral health services provided by licensed health professionals. All students within a school or district can access care regardless of ability to pay, insurance coverage, or immigration status. SBHCs are operated in agreement between a school district and a health care organization.

School nurses and school-based health centers have a distinct and complimentary function, and work together to advance the health and well-being of students.


Fractured Access

When Minneapolis students answered survey question: “If your school did not have a health center, what would you have done to take care of your health problem today?”

  • 45% responded that they would have done “Nothing,” or “I’m not sure.”

  • 10% reported they would have gone to an ER or hospital.

  • Only 27% reported they would have gone to another Doctor or Nurse.

increasing mental healthcare needs

The MN Student Survey 2022 demonstrated kids who report long-term mental health problems continues to increase over the past 5 years - now reaching 29%.

We fill a vital role for students with unmet needs and fractured access to care.